Earlier this year, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) released a “Connecticut Environmental Justice Public Participation Guidance Document” (‘the Guidance”) concerning the 2023 amendments to Connecticut’s environmental justice (EJ) statute regarding permitting or other approvals for certain facilities. Although helpful in indicating DEEP’s interpretation of the amended statute (which is not a

Chris Eddy
I am an Associate in the Environmental, Energy + Telecommunications Group. I focus my practice in the areas of environmental compliance and litigation, retail energy supply, and utility regulatory matters. My full bio is here.
EPA Audit Policy Update – Scrutiny of Voluntary Self-Disclosures Set to Increase
The EPA intends to increase its review of voluntary self-disclosures of violations submitted electronically under EPA’s Audit Policy. The EPA Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently issued a report detailing the results of an evaluation of EPA’s process for screening self-reported environmental violations made through its eDisclosure system. The OIG’s report concluded that EPA…
MA SMART Program: New Guidelines for Agricultural Solar Tariff Generation Units
On May 15, 2022, the latest revision of the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Guideline Regarding the Definition of Agricultural Solar Tariff Generation Units (Guideline) for the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program took effect. The Guideline supplements the SMART Program regulations (225 CMR 20.000), provides guidance on how a Solar…
SCOTUS Temporarily Resurrects Trump-ERA Clean Water Act Rule
On April 6, 2022, by a 5-4 vote in the case of Louisiana, et. al. v. American Rivers, et. al., the Supreme Court temporarily resurrected a Trump-era rule that sought to stop the practice of many states and tribes from withholding or unduly conditioning their certifications that are required under the Clean Water Act…
Court Denies Class Certification in Illinois Oil Spill Case
On October 5, 2021, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois denied the plaintiffs’ Motion for Class Certification in Morr v. Plains All American Pipeline, LLC 2021 WL 4478660 (S.D. Illinois, September 30, 2021). Plaintiffs’ claims arose out of a 2015 spill of approximately 100 barrels of crude oil at a…
Nantucket Group Challenges Vineyard Wind Project in Federal Court
On August 25, 2021, the Nantucket Residents Against Turbines (ACK RATs) filed a complaint challenging the recent Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the proposed Vineyard Wind project to build wind turbines off the southern coasts of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. ACK RATs’ chief concern is the potential impact that the Vineyard Wind project will have…
Breaking the chain of “substantial continuity” — Tenth Circuit clarifies test for repeat OSHA violations
Below in an excerpt from an article authored by Robinson+Cole Environmental, Energy + Telecommunications Group lawyers Megan E. Baroni, Christopher Y. Eddy, Peter R. Knight, and Jonathan H. Schaefer that was published in ISHN (Industrial Safety & Hygiene News).
The Occupational Safety and Health Act provides for increased penalties for employers who…